Artistic dialogue between two peoples. Cultural part

Several artists put a lot of enthusiasm to perform this event that covered different facets of Art: the fashion by the designer Juan Carlos Armas with his collection "Cuore", the styling of Jacobo Fajardo, the floral art of Tin Quintero; And the painting represented by my collection of sirens along with the works of two Cuban artists: Máximo Palancar and Dayron Gallardo.
The different acts were developed in the Canarian Association in Cuba "Leonor Pérez Cabrera", The Malecon and the Bar Maxim Gallery.
In the "house canaria" we have the presence of different authorities of the Ministry of Justice of Cuba and Don Cándido Padrón Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the autonomous government of the Canary Islands, and numerous emigrants and descendants of emigrants from the Canary Islands.