Rebirth of BEING in quadratures

Rebirth of BEING in quadratures
Medidas del lienzo


130 x 80cm

Técnica utilizada


Acrylic on canvas

Measurement: 130 x 80 cm.

Technique: Acrylic on canvas

This work talks of the internal teacher that all of us have within us. Of the moments of solitude that we need to confront everyday life. Of thinking over what has happened on the outside. Of the solitude that we seek.

Sometimes we need to lose ourselves so we can reflect, whether we take a break from our everyday environment or simply don’t get up that day.

BEING is circular because I am one of those people who believe that to find the reason for what is happening to us we need to look within ourselves. Within the circle that separates us from what is around us.

I use the word quadrature, which defines in the language of astrology a situation of tension that moves feelings and sensations within our person and makes us change and evolve..

I dedicate this work to Cati Palou. One of those people who have been to me like a beacon in the middle of the night. When I feel that everything is dark Cati is there, who with her advice helps me back up and enables me to understand life from a more complete perspective.

Thank you Cati because you showed me how to dream and to believe in myself. Thank you Cati because you passed on to me your affection for Havana. Thank you Cati for loving me.