Tulips in Treble Clef

Tulips in Treble Clef
Año de la obra



Medidas del lienzo


50 x 50 cm.

Técnica utilizada


Acrylic on canvas.

When you look at the flowers and feel the music.

International Academy of Poetry and Contemporary Art:

Valued Artist Ale Montañez,

Please accept the most sincere congratulations of the International Academy of Poetry and Contemporary Art, in training agreement with the University of Roma Tre, accredited by the Lazio Region, registered in the register of Rome Capital, of the Municipality of Canale Monterano and promoted by the Italian Cultural Institute of New York, for your classification as Finalist in Art in the International Academic Prize for Poetry and Contemporary Art Apollo Dionisiaco Rome 2023 with your valuable work “Tulipano in chiave di violino”.

The winners have already been announced with recognition of merit. Your work is among the 70 that made it ex aequo to the Final Selection of 1,004 participating works from around the world.